Our classrooms are designed to lead children into a daily encounter with the goodness of God that will forever mark them and invite them to live in a love relationship with the Trinity.
The written word of God teaches us God’s ways and provides a life-long foundation on which we can build our lives. At BCS, students are invited to live in God’s story through Scripture engagement.
One of our primary goals at BCS is to affirm and develop a child’s God-given identity. Our teachers are pastors, and they nurture and encourage each child's unique identity.
BCS is a community that cultivates growth and change. Students are empowered with restorative relational skills and are called to a holy life through the transformational grace of Christ.
At BCS, kids get to live in the reality that God is still speaking, His Kingdom is still advancing, and Jesus empower supernatural ministry.
At BCS, students are given the opportunity to impact the world around them. We actively seek to bless our local community and go out into the world to love and serve others.