The Chapel Experience

Once a week, Bethel Christian students gather to worship God, share testimonies of His goodness, learn about God’s character from Scripture, and discover their God-given identities and calling.

The chapel emphasizes the holistic development of students, nurturing their body, soul, and spirit. Through teachings and hands-on activities, they are empowered to walk in the knowledge of who they are and who they are, embracing their true identities as beloved children of God. It is within the BCS chapel that students cultivate a deep connection with God, valuing His presence and guidance as they navigate their journey of faith.

Parents are welcome to come, but they are required to check in at the school office first. For specific service times, please reach out to the BCS office.

Interested in BCS?

Discover who we are, the experience we offer your family, and schedule a visit to our Redding, CA campus.

Children going to school